Tuesday 22 July 2014


Hello, and welcome to my new blog!

As you can see at the moment there is very little on it at the moment, but hopefully this will change as I start adding on more content and generally stop being lazy and get on with all these challenges I've set myself.

What I want to do with this blog is share my experiences of kayaking with the world. It has been something that I have wanted to do for a while now, but lacked direction. However, after being inspired by others on the internet I've decided to make a kayaking blog, as I've begun to realise that kayaking is something that I want to pursue more seriously from now on.

Hopefully with uni out the way now and the scary idea of me making my own money, I will be able to get out there and do a lot more in the coming year. I'll warn you now, I've never done anything like this before so the first bits of content may be a bit rough round the edges, but hopefully I'll get better at this who thing and one day this will be something that people actually want to read :o

Thanks :)
